Mini Budget and Investment Zones

Mini Budget and Investment Zones

Andrew Burgess, Principal of Andrew Burgess Planning said: “The government’s announcement is poorly thought out and lacks detail. Indeed in respect of planning there is no detail at all and it states that ‘further detail on the liberalised planning offer for Investment Zones” will be set out ‘in due course’. No wonder there is dismay from the RSPB, the National Trust and the Planning profession.”

Andrew Burgess, Principal of Andrew Burgess Planning said: “If you are going to de-regularise planning in certain areas, it cannot be a free for all. There must be a regime that has rules that sets the context to bring forward development that meets certain minimum standards in respect of design and the environment. Then you can give tax breaks to encourage investment and new development.

“What we really need are more Development Corporations such as were set up in London Docklands and Liverpool under the stewardship of Lord Heseltine.

“I do not think that these proposals will go down well with Conservative Voters. The new government under Liz Truss need to rethink their approach. Most people want a planning system that guides development to appropriate places in a responsible manner.”

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