Planning Appeal Allowed for Redesign of House to Contemporary Design Sherfield English.

Planning Appeal Allowed for Redesign of House to Contemporary Design Sherfield English.

27th October 2023


Andrew Burgess Planning granted planning permission on appeal for redesign of house to contemporary style dwelling Sherfield English, Hampshire, following refusal  by  Test Valley Borough Council.


Planning specialist Andrew Burgess Planning is pleased to announce that planning permission has been granted on appeal for the redesign and remodeling of a house with an additional storey, new balconies and other alterations including to the windows and doors, at Doctors Hill, Sherfield English,Hampshire.

Working collaboratively with the Husband and Wife clients, a thorough and well researched planning appeal was submitted resulting in a convincing result supported by the Planning Inspector, G Roberts.


Press Release Planning Appeal Allowed Contemporary Design Sherfield English Hampshire 27 10 23

The Planning Inspector agreed that the contemporary design of the redesigned house was in keeping with the character and appearance of the area and would not harm the living conditions of the occupiers of neighbouring houses.








Andrew Burgess, Managing Director of Andrew Burgess Planning comments:

“The Planning Inspector recognised that this proposal has been carefully designed to relate sensitively to the surrounding area and that this is a high quality scheme which will improve the appearance of thearea.’

The appeal submission was comprehensive and provided a robust and well considered case to justify allowing the appeal against Test Valley Borough Council. The case was based on the planning issues and the merits of this particular proposal in this location.

The Planning Appeal Statement, Design and Access Statement and associated plans provided clarity that the proposal accords with relevant local plan policies, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and other relevant legislation.

The Planning Inspector concluded,

“ All the above factors combine to secure a high quality contemporary design. I accept that there would be a material change to the scale and design of the host property when viewed from Doctors Hill, but, even so, all the proposed changes would refresh and modernise the appearance of the whole property, including its rear elevation even though this is hidden from public viewpoints.”

He went on to say,

“The result would be a significant improvement on the existing host property, whose design is not of any merit or quality. Also, a proposal that would sit comfortably on the appeal site and be compatible with its rural surroundings.”

“ I disagree with the Council and consider that the new additional storey would not be visually intrusive or harmful to the character and appearance of the area. On the contrary, the additional storey combined with the complete remodelling of the host property would represent an innovative and high quality design…. “

Andrew Burgess comments,

“ This appeal proposal “has ticked all the boxes” and the Planning Inspector accepted all of our arguments. Ithas been a pleasure to work with clients with the desire to bring forward a high quality and sustainableproposal. It is particularly satisfying to be able to ensure the family can live in their dream home and build their desired design of family house.”

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