Planning Appeal for Pontoons, Moorings and Piling. River Itchen Southampton.

Planning Appeal for Pontoons, Moorings and Piling. River Itchen Southampton.




















The first Planning Appeal in 2024 by Andrew Burgess Planning Ltd is for floating pontoons with associated piling and work to replace existing pontoon moorings on the River Itchen in Southampton.

The proposal is for installation of floating pontoons supported by four tubular steel piles. The existing four piles will be removed and an access brow will be installed from the existing quay wall to the floating pontoons. An area of versadock (lightweight moulded plastic floating pontoon allowing small vessels to land and launch from) will be installed. The walk way pontoon is 25 metres deep into the river and y shaped with a gap of 10 metres between the two elements. The steel bridge connecting the pontoon to the river wall is 10 metres. It is alleged that the impact on character of the area will be harmful. There are no other issues in dispute including, biodiversity and protected habitats. The proposal would also result in the removal of a vessel that currently lies on the riverbank.

Other material policy considerations relevant to the determination of this planning appeal include, the granting of a Marine Management Organisation Licence, which the LPA did not object to.

There is an overlap between this legislation and planning legislation. A marine licence is required up to the high water springs mark which includes the tidal extent of the River Itchen and any river. Marine licence boundaries extend up to this level of the mean high water spring tides mark and there is an overlap with the terrestrial development plan regime which generally extends to the mean low water springs mark.

Further information can be found here,

The appeal will require an accompanied site visit with the Inspector by boat which is not your usual site visit.

We handle a diverse range of development proposals on land and water.

#planningappeal #pontoons #moorings #riveritchen #southampton

Planning Appeal site for Pontoon Moorings River Itchen Southampton

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